Japan Sendai Mission 日本仙台伝道部
Teruya Jidai ('74-'77) 照屋時代帰還宣教師
RM Site-同窓会サイト

Hachi 40/50th 八戸40/50 周年
On 29 November 2008, the Hachinohe Branch celebrated 40 years since its founding as a 'dendo-sho.' This picture was provided by Murakami Kyodai, Aomori District President. A lucky inclusion in the group picture is Kubota Koji Kyodai (front row, center left), who was an early pioneering leader in Hachinohe. Sadly, he passed away just a few months later, in April 2009. (click picture to enlarge)
On September 22, 2018, a similar celebration was held commemorating 50 years. The pictures and article below were posted on the mission's Facebook newsroom. (click pictures to enlarge)
Hachinohe Branch (Aomori district) held a celebration to mark the '50th anniversary of missionary work' there. The event commemorated the first missionaries transferred there in 1968. People associated with the members of hachinohe branch and many memories were introduced. It was a great meeting to get to know the history of hachinohe branch from many precious photos. On the following day, many people were present at the hachinohe branch competition, and it was an opportunity to warm up our friendship.