Japan Sendai Mission 日本仙台伝道部
Teruya Jidai ('74-'77) 照屋時代帰還宣教師
RM Site-同窓会サイト

Akita 50th 秋田50周年記念祭
On Saturday, 14 Sep 2019, Akita branch celebrated 50 years since the first missionaries arrived there in 1969. The program was followed by a commemorative photo (above) and a shokuji-kai. Speakers included Akiko Watanabe Checketts, who in her talk reminisced about her baptism in 1973, administered by our own Bruce Abrams. Brother and Sister Shio, who many RMs remember fondly from both Akita and Sendai, also spoke, as did three of the nine Teruya RMs who attended. The meeting was streamed on Facebook Live - video here. (you might have to join that Facebook 50th anniversary group to view).
<<Program. Ogaard Kyodai's talk detailed two missionaries who opened Akita in 1969, Kent Burton and Kirk Baggaley, who he was able to locate and interview. Kato Shimai and Ichikawa Kyodai spoke about their time serving in Akita. A lovely chorus sang, then Sasaki Kyodai, who was branch president when the meetinghouse was built, and Pres. Fukuda, who was the mission president around that time, spoke. プログラム(左)。オガード兄弟の話は1969年に秋田を開いた宣教師のケント・バートンとカーク・バガリについてでした。オガード兄弟が彼らを追跡してインタビューすることができました。加藤姉妹と市川兄弟は秋田で奉仕した時の話をしてくれました。美しいコーラスの歌後、佐々木元支部会長と福田元伝道部会長は教会堂建築時代の話をしてくれました。